Above: The World’s Biggest Real Estate Bubbles In 2019.
The World’s Biggest Real Estate Bubbles In 2019
With the current stock market bull run reaching nearly 10 years in length, it’s understandable that many investors are nervous about the end of the party coming sooner than later. However, as UBS notes in its latest report, there is also growing concern about another prominent bubble that has been in the works since the aftermath of the financial crisis.
Large amounts of easy money have fueled real estate bubbles in the world’s major cities, and the Swiss investment bank UBS now sees the property markets in six global cities as being at risk.

Hong Kong tops the “Real Estate Bubble” index this year. Any city with a score over 1.5 is considered at “Bubble Risk”, and right now those include two cities from Canada (Vancouver and Toronto), one from Asia (Hong Kong), and three from Europe (Amsterdam, London, and Munich in Germany). It is also very important to note that there are four cities that score just under the 1.5 real estate bubble threshold: Stockholm, Paris, San Francisco in California, and Frankfurt in Germany.
Above: The Most Expensive Real Estate In The United States: San Francisco Or New York?
Whether it is a real estate housing bubble or not, many real estate investors agree that San Francisco’s housing situation is still a crisis. In the San Francisco Bay Area, approximately 60% of all rental units are in rental controlled buildings, and the median single family house price is an incredible $1.7 million United States Dollars.
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